sun 30/06/2024

Jane Edwardes

Articles By Jane Edwardes

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The Marilyn Conspiracy, Park Theatre review - intriguing mur...

The death of Marilyn Monroe is a wet dream for conspiracy theorists. Like the assassination of JFK in the following year there is plenty of...

theartsdesk Q&A: violinist and music director Pekka Kuus...

Lilac time in Oslo, a mini heatwave in June 2023, a dazzling Sunday morning the day after the darkness transfigured of Concert Theatre DSCH, the...

I Am: Celine Dion, Prime Video review - inside the superstar...

It was 20 years ago that Celine Dion first experienced the muscle spasming which would eventually be diagnosed as Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS). She...

Kinds of Kindness review - too cruel to be kind

Yorgos Lanthimos continues to navigate a highly distinctive, daring, one might even say sly path for himself. After attracting more mainstream...

Music Reissues Weekly: Cluster - Zuckerzeit

In 1974, two albums by German kosmiche musicians working with electronics became the first from the seedbed of what’d been dubbed...

Mean Girls, Savoy Theatre review - standout performances sav...

Nothing anybody over the age of 30 says about the new Mean Girls musical, spawn of Tina Fey’s witty script for the 2004 screen...

Le nozze di Figaro, Garsington Opera review - fine-tuned tel...

“Tradition is sloppiness,” Mahler the opera conductor is credited with saying. But in the case of old master John Cox’s long-serving Garsington...

The Secret Garden, Regent's Park Open Air Theatre revie...

It's a bold move by Regent's Park Open Air Theatre to tackle Frances Hodgson Burnett's...

Album: Imagine Dragons - Loom

Having propelled to stardom with their debut album Night Visions back in 2012, the Nevada pop-rock giants Imagine Dragons have reigned...

Nardus Williams, Elizabeth Kenny, Spitalfields Music Festiva...

Behind this poignant, simple-seeming hour of music for soprano and lute(s) lay a spider-web of connections between outsiders in the City: rebels,...