The Sleeper, Welsh National Youth Opera, CardiffFriday, 15 July 2011“These premises have 24-hour security surveillance,” reads one of the notices on the wall as we audience traipsed round the outside of Cardiff’s Coal Exchange between stages of this mobile production of Stephen Deazley’s new opera about people who... Read more... |
Seven Angels, The Opera Group, CardiffTuesday, 21 June 2011Imagine you are at a study day being run by Friends of the Earth. They mount a play in which a group of angels who somehow got left out of the Book of Genesis fall to a completely barren earth, look around, and start reconstructing, re-enacting its... Read more... |
BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, St David's HallMonday, 20 June 2011The Cardiff Singer of the World may or may not be (as several of this year’s competitors seemed to think) the most important voice competition in the universe, but it must surely be the nicest. The Welsh really do believe, perhaps rightly, that they... Read more... |
National Theatre Wales announces its second seasonThursday, 26 May 2011The inaugural year of National Theatre Wales included an immensely ambitious body of work which tested to the limit the definition of what a national theatre can and should be. In new venues and old, found spaces and open spaces, it staged several... Read more... |
BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Hoddinott Hall, CardiffThursday, 12 May 2011It’s a neat-sounding idea for a concert: a sequence of works composed in the year the previous composer died. Neat, but not necessarily revealing. This one started with Elgar’s Cockaigne, composed – symbolically, I assume – in 1900, and ended with... Read more... |
Welsh National Opera Orchestra, Koenigs, St David's Hall, CardiffSaturday, 30 April 2011Popping up on royal wedding day from the Niebelheim where they spend most of their working life, the WNO Orchestra brought with them a birth-and-death programme: hatch and dispatch, rather than match. Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll was a thank-you present... Read more... |
Il Trovatore, Welsh National Opera, CardiffFriday, 25 February 2011Verdi’s Il Trovatore, the WNO season brochure assures us, “is Italian opera at its most passionate and full-blooded”. But you could sit through this revival of Peter Watson’s seven-year-old production and overlook the fact. Always understated (to... Read more... |
The Marriage of Figaro, Dragon Opera, The Gate, CardiffWednesday, 02 February 2011Dragon Opera (or Opera’r Ddraig, if you insist: they don’t) is in every sense a young company, founded a mere two years ago, and based at Cardiff’s Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Its singers, directors and orchestral players are nearly all... Read more... |
BBC National Orchestra of Wales, St David's Hall, CardiffFriday, 12 November 2010How much do you know about centaurs? Probably you know they are horses below the withers, human above. But did you know they were heavy drinkers who once got out of hand at the wedding of the King of the Lapiths, tried to rape the bride and got... Read more... |
Michael Jarrell, Hoddinott Hall, CardiffWednesday, 13 October 2010Music, Wagner famously pronounced, is the art of transition. For the Swiss composer Michael Jarrell, by contrast, music is “the art of punctuation”. On the one hand, how to get from one thing to the next; on the other hand, how to separate one thing... Read more... |
Ariadne auf Naxos, Welsh National OperaFriday, 08 October 2010Ariadne auf Naxos, according to its librettist Hugo von Hofmannsthal, is all about fidelity: fidelity in love, fidelity in art, fidelity in spirit. Ariadne on her island, abandoned by Theseus, can give herself to Bacchus only by persuading herself... Read more... |
Rigoletto, Welsh National Opera, CardiffSaturday, 26 June 2010Watching and hearing this revival of WNO’s now eight-year-old production of Verdi’s Rigoletto, it’s hard to remember he composed it only a year or two before La Traviata, that most psychologically believable of all his operas. In Rigoletto nothing... Read more... |