sat 22/06/2024

sue steward

Sue is a writer and broadcaster on world and fringe music and photography for the Telegraph, Observer, Guardian, BBC, Songlines, and British Journal of Photography. She is the author of Salsa - Musical Heartbeat of Latin America

Articles By Sue Steward

latest in today

The Exorcism review - salvaged horror movie is a diabolical...

Helpfully, this is a film that reviews itself. Like it says on the posters, “They were making a cursed movie. They were warned not to. They should...

Album: Zara McFarlane - Sweet Whispers: Celebrating Sarah Va...

When Zara McFarlane sang the National Anthem at this year’s FA Cup Final, it served as a reminder of quite how adaptable she is, how suited so...

Green Border review - Europe's baleful boundary

We’re used to dabs of colour splashing briefly across black-and-white movies – Spielberg’s Schindler’s List or Coppola’s Rumble Fish...

Rain Parade, 229 review - the Paisley Underground perennials...

It kicks off with “No Easy Way Down.” First released on 1984’s mini-LP Explosions in the Glass Palace, it was an instant benchmark by...

The Bounds, Royal Court review - soccer play scores badly

Every day this week I’m watching a football match, and now – after April’s production of Lydia Higman, Julia Grogan and Rachel Lemon’s Gunter...

Album: Wytch Pycknyck - Wytch Pycknyck

Out on the perimeters where there are no stars, in a void full of bong-smoke and synesthetic noise… there, in a greasy biker hovel full of...

The Bikeriders review - beer, brawls and Harley-Davidsons

The best-known book about motorcycle gangs is Hunter S Thompson’s Hell’s Angels, a classic foundational text of the so-called “New...

Kiss Me, Kate, Barbican review - an entertaining, high-octan...

Lincoln Center’s Bartlett Sher is back in town to direct the Barbican’s latest summer blockbuster, Cole Porter’s classic Kiss Me,...

Album: Pepe Deluxé - Comix Sonix

Pepe Deluxé are no exemplars of the puritan work ethic. Comix Sonix is only their sixth album in almost 30 years – but while they aren’t...